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Black Lives Matter Postcard 02


“Black screens don’t do anything for Black lives”  @israhirsi.

Like many individuals and organisations, we at shado have been thinking how we can take social media awareness beyond the screen and mobilise it into action. It is not enough to be non-racist: to be inactive is to be complicit. We must be anti-racist; we must do better and we must do more.

To our white and non-Black POC followers and contributors, please pour your outrage into actively educating yourselves and those around you. It is not for our Black friends, colleagues or Black social media influencers and platforms to have to do this for us: they have put in the work by simply surviving. Now, it is our turn. Do not lean on Black people to support your white fragility. The system can only be dismantled by white folk actively contributing to breaking these structures down. Recognise your privilege and the structures of white supremacy from which you’ve benefited, and work to break these.

To our Black followers and contributors: know that shado hears you and stands with you in the ongoing fight against white supremacy. As an anti-racist publication, we will not stay silent.

At the core of shado’s ethos is the belief in the power of art to create change, connect people and cut through barriers of context, place and language. 

100% of cost is split 50:50 between The United Families & Friends Campaign in the UK and The Bail Project in the US. 

We hope these postcards will continue to act as permanent visual reminders that Black Lives will always Matter. 

Image by Chioma Ince @folu_wonder