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Body Dialogues Series

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When I first started out as an advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) eight years ago, I had no idea how passionate I would become about the issue. Initially, it was a little baffling to unpack the issue of abortion. Growing up in a religious society, there...
I started writing my Substack blog, Looking at Porn, after I came across a Pornhub channel devoted solely to having sex with clothing. The channel hosted at least 50 videos, all produced by and starring one man in his bedroom. In each video he had sex with a different item...

Body Dialogues Series

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As an activist for the LGBTQIA community, you would imagine that I spend a large portion of my time championing transgender rights, sharing petitions and educating allies on key areas. Yet in 2020, 40-60% of all my activism interactions are spent explaining my gender identity, and what term I use...
I started writing my Substack blog, Looking at Porn, after I came across a Pornhub channel devoted solely to having sex with clothing. The channel hosted at least 50 videos, all produced by and starring one man in his bedroom. In each video he had sex with a different item...