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S2 Ep10: Home is many things! What now?

Zoe and Larissa are asking how expanding our concept of homes can build healthier and happier movements and imagine warm, kind and fair futures.

We always come back to how everyone deserves a right to home: somewhere safe and dignified to live. And over this season, shado-lite has traversed histories and geographies to understand how people have and still are fighting for that basic right: from Indigenous communities reclaiming their land, to the fight for Caribbean communities to access their beaches, to squatters in Brixton housing the homeless in unused buildings.

Inspired Amarha Spence’s use of her ‘Grandads house’ to guide her work on building life-affirming infrastructures for her community and beyond, Zoe and Larissa are asking how expanding our concept of homes can build healthier and happier movements and imagine warm, kind and fair futures.