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S2 Ep8: Taking home for all, Landless Workers Movement

This week we’re sitting down with Dandara, representing the MST or Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement - one of the largest peoples movement in Latin America

We’re talking about the importance of home this season, and it’s crucial we understand the impact of homeless and landless peoples on the world. This week we’re sitting down with Dandara, representing the MST or Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement – one of the largest peoples movement in Latin America, celebrating 40 years of action.

Since 1984, the movement has lead more than 2,500 land occupations with 370000 families that are today settled on 7.5 million hectares of land they won as a result. The impact on Brazilian land and agrarian policy is unparalleled – and we have to ask Dandara, what can the rest of the world learn?


People’s Agrarian Reform: An Alternative to the Capitalist Model, João Pedro Stedile and Osvaldo LeónHistory of the MSTPopular Agrarian Reform and the Struggle for Land in Brazil