The Prophets, Robert Jones Jr debut novel, tells an unflinching story of a forbidden union between two enslaved men, Isaiah and Samuel. Set on a plantation in the Deep South, Jones Jr masterfully reveals the power of love, hope and friendship against the backdrop of brutality and violence.
In this event, writer Jason Okundaye will be speaking to Robert Jones Jr. about the novel and more widely about the lessons we can learn from Isaiah and Samuel’s relationship. Through both a wide and microscopic lens, they will delve into the characters and their world, looking at how the power of love can transcend time and place to reverberate through to the modern queer experience.
Though there is no shortage of books set in the time of slavery, The Prophets shines a rare spotlight on the forceful endurance of queer relationships in the face of inhumane cruelty.
Webinar available to watch HERE.
Join us online on February 25th at 6pm GMT for an unforgettable evening, including a reading and an opportunity to pose your own questions to this groundbreaking author.
Jason Okundaye:
Jason Okundaye is a culture and politics writer from South London, and columnist at Tribune Magazine.
‘Rarely is a book this finely wrought, the lives and histories it holds so tenderly felt, and rendered unforgettably true’ — Ocean Vuong, author of On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous