This article has been informed by the Museum of British Colonialism’s 2020 online panel ‘Imagining a Museum of British Colonialism’. The event was chaired by Renée Landell, and the panel was formed of William Dalrymple (Imperial history researcher) , Priyamvada Gopal (Researcher of anti-colonial resistance) , Nana Oforiatta Ayim (founder...
JoinedNovember 20, 2020
Krishna Joshi (she/they) is a MA Postcolonial Studies student at SOAS University of London and a volunteer at the Museum of British Colonialism since March 2020. They are currently writing up their dissertation and fussing over their cat. IG: @catkr321. Twitter: @krishnajoshi321.
You can also follow the work of the Museum of British Colonialism, a joint UK/Kenyan initiative founded to creatively communicate a more truthful account of British colonialism, over at and on IG and Twitter @museumofbc.