Last week I answered a call from someone who was crying and clearly distraught, audibly shaking, hardly able to get...
Working in the Western music industry as an Indian presents its own particular set of issues. I’ve often found myself...
Malvika Padin & Illustration: Ipsita Dwivedi
When I first hop on a Zoom call with adrienne maree brown – late afternoon their time, late night mine...
Sharlene Gandhi & Illustration: Luci Pina
“Our desire is not to achieve respectability, but to demolish the hierarchies that order identities and subjects, recognising us as...
I started writing my Substack blog, Looking at Porn, after I came across a Pornhub channel devoted solely to having...
Robin Craig & Illustration: Molly Hankinson
Le patriarcat tue (The patriarchy kills) Aimer ≠ Tuer (Loving ≠ Killing) “C’est pas vraiment un viol, c’était ton mec”...
The #StopAsianHate hashtag gained traction in the US this year after an uptick in violent attacks on the Asian community....
When I first started out as an advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) eight years ago, I...
Wangchuk Dema & Illustration: Yuzhen Cai
Of all the Black female tropes, the ‘mammy’ stereotype seems to most escape our attention. Being aggressive, unintelligent, ghetto, hyper-sexual,...
Banseka Kayembe & Illustration: Chanté Timothy
When the body positivity movement emerged on the scene in 2012, the language surrounding bodies – particularly those belonging to...
Claude Knight & Illustration: Daisy Doodles
Since the pandemic began, articles have appeared about women giving up ‘grooming’ and beauty standards in lockdown. This month is...
I’m going to start off by mentioning a word that’s probably going to make me lose a good portion of...