We’re hugely excited to introduce our latest collaboration; a takeover from B.G.U zine, a Tokyo-based queer, feminist zine and collective, that empowers individuals and fights for change. This piece is an introduction to the platform written by editor-in-chief Yume Morimoto, and is the first of a four-part series which will...
JoinedJanuary 5, 2021
Editor in Chief of B.G.U.(she/her), graduate student of Media and Language Analysis, currently based in Tokyo, researching the exploitation and co-optation of queer themes in popular culture. Breaking normative boundaries (& sometimes glasses) one zine & bottle of wine at a time! She spends her time researching, reflecting, writing, & exploring the world of gender & queerness. She’s also trying to laugh at & love herself a little more every day. She has a tattoo that says "be the strange you wish to see in the world" by bald, badass drag queen, Sasha Velour. It is a reminder that we must embody the change, which others will often perceive as strange.