shado Issue 01: Migration to Europe (Download)
Changing Perspectives: Stories of Migration to Europe.
Our first issue of shado was born out of a frustration with mainstream coverage of the people forced to migrate to Europe. The lack of self-representation led to a blatant criminalisation of refugees and people seeking asylum, so we decided to create shado as a platform for people who had been through the experience to take control of their own narrative: as such, over 70% of the contributors to this print are of refugee or asylum-seeking status, and all are celebrated as writers, chefs, musicians, poets and artists rather than labelled as a homogenous group.
Includes 18 features
108 pages with dimensions: 230mmx280mm
Front cover design: Edie Kelsey @ediekelsey_
What readers have said
I cannot get over the beauty of shado. It is the most inspiring, beautiful piece of art, text and activism I’ve ever been lucky enough to hold, and I mean it.
Alice Palmer, social activist
shado is truly doing something groundbreaking and important. They celebrate bright, brilliant voices and talents which are not always elevated by mainstream publications. We are honoured to partner with shado.
Philli Boyle, Director and Head of Partnerships at Help Refugees