Inclusive sex ed empowers our communities, and keeps people safe
Vaginismus is more than a pelvic tensing
Talking Sexquisite and Riot Party with Maedb Joy
Dear Faye, how do I stop over-romanticizing my crushes?
In this instalment of Role Model in Training, Faye offers some tips on exploring kinks; how to deal with discouragement and judgement from friends; and how to embrace sex positivity within yourself.
For the first instalment of Role Model in Training in 2024, Faye offers some tips on helping your partner divulge their specific desires.
Talking men's mental health, sexual shame and bisexuality with Zachary Zane, author of Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto
Finding love is a little more complicated than a simple formula (or algorithm)
A conversation with Theatre-Maker Raina Greifer
In the words of Laika, “We’re people, not just performers”
Everything you need to know about movements for the decriminalisation of sex work, why it must be central to feminist movements, how it is a global issue and resources to find out more
Discussions about the body politic with Post Pxrn Film Festival Warsaw founders