How corporate entities and luxury brands use climate activists to uphold a “green capitalism”
JoinedApril 14, 2022
Emilie is an illustrator based in Brussels. Passionate by myths and legends, botany, ethology, feminism... She aims to express her convictions and dreams through her work. Deeply curious of the natural world, ecological alternatives, and the richness of the world's cultures, she found inspiration lost in the wilderness, books or podcasts, learning about fascinating places and people, rebellious plants and mystical animals.
Everything you need to know about green colonialism, how it impacts different communities, who is profiting from it and what alternatives look like
What the commodification of CGMs reveals about Type 1 Diabetes inequalities
How to build solidarity and learn from the wins achieved by global grassroots abortion movements.
Fossil Free London expose the Wellcome Trust's inaction on climate and its investments from fossil fuel industries.
Robin and Emilie Muszczak
A Growing Culture explore how can we understand food sovereignty outside capitalism
How Nigeria’s activists were able to keep resisting despite government repression