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Land Defenders Series

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Throughout 2020, more than 1 million hectares of forests and wetlands were burned down in Argentina. According to the National Fire Management Service, 95% of these fires were caused by human activity. In March, the forests in Chubut, a province in the South of Argentina, started burning again. This resulted...
A peasant is an intercultural and historical subject, with significant memories, knowledge, and practices which are established through family and neighbourhood life for the production of food, common goods, and raw materials. Peasants have a multi-active community life linked to the land and integrated with nature and the territory”. (Instituto...
In this week's news we saw Canada calling out the United States for being awful to immigrants, Joe Biden pretending to care about people in prison for marijuana possession, Colorado running out of water and two Indigenous women being elected to the Brazilian congress. 

Land Defenders Series

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When I think of my time growing up in Tuvalu, one word comes to mind: paradise. From the idyllic beaches to the beautiful blue lagoons – and the even more delightful community – my home was a vivid ideal in my youth. Life was easy and happy when I was...