Leonida Odongo is a Kenyan social justice activist with vast experience in grassroots organising, advocacy, and adult learning methodologies. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Nairobi and is currently undertaking a Masters in International Conflict Management. Leonida has a passion for working with grassroots communities and focuses on Food Justice, Climate Justice, rural women and youth.
Leonida nurtures university students on human rights and social justice in Universities in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. A freelance writer amplifying community experiences, Leonida’s articles have featured on, documenting community experiences and her articles have featured on World Pulse, Black Agenda Report, Pambazuka News, and Third World Network.
Leonida is a Featured Changemaker, Vocal Contributor, and Ambassador at World Pulse, she is also a member of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanism for relations with the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). Leonida is a Board member at Food Coop Kenya and A Growing Culture.