shado exists to disrupt and decolonise the media system, championing lived experience storytelling to shape the way we understand the world around us.
We are committed to supporting grassroots journalism and amplifying the voices of those at the front of social and political change who are so often left out of mainstream discourse.
Editorial Policy
Submissions are received by email Copy for all articles must be supplied electronically via email as attached documents. Photographs will be considered.
All submissions are edited for style and consistency. The contributor is consulted during the production process whenever questions related to content arise.
Each written submission is sent to an illustrator to provide a visual accompaniment to the piece. Illustrators can put forward their portfolios to and are paid the same fee as writers.
Photographs are accepted. Digital photographs must be between 200-500KB to be appropriate.
The Co-Founders proofread all content and copy-edit documents, with assistance from the Senior Editor.
Respect for the reader demands that we should not casually use words that are likely to offend or discriminate.
Fees will be outlined and agreed upon by shado at the offset in email correspondence before work is published.
Contributors are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide. Contributors are responsible for meeting deadlines and confirming the timely receipt of their submissions to shado. Contributors must acknowledge that the editor and executive director have the final word on content and tone.
Complaints Procedure
shado views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve the quality of our journalism and the contents of our publication(s) for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person (or organisation) that has made the complaint.
A complaint should be received by email or in writing although complaints are accepted by other reasonable means where it is not convenient or practical for the individual complainant to complain in writing.
Our policy
- To provide a fair complaints procedure that is clear, convenient and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint (in particular those that are vulnerable or who have disabilities)
- To uphold and adhere to the Standards Code (“Code”) set out in the IMPRESS Regulatory Scheme
- To publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that readers know how to contact us to make a complaint
- To make sure all complaints are dealt with promptly and fairly, with decisions based on sufficient investigation of the circumstances and (where appropriate) offer a suitable remedy
Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with shado’s C0-Founders, Hannah Robathan and Isabella Pearce.