shado’s bookshelf presents: Love Beyond the Binary Sept – Nov 23 shado’s...

shado's bookshelf presents:
World Building and
How Fiction Can Free Us
Mar - May 24
In shado’s sixth bookshelf cluster, join us on a literary journey of re-imagination and world-building as we engage some of the best speculative and political fiction of past and present.
An anthology of short stories set in 2048 Palestine will show us how some of the best sci-fi is descriptive, not predictive. A counterfactual retelling of the Haitian Revolution allows us to remix history as it should have been. And an ambiguous utopia gets us to approach the one question we avoid all too often:
So what happens the day after liberation?
Text 1
26th March 7p.m.
Palestine + 100

Palestine+100 - Stories from a Century after the Nakba - edited by Basma Ghalayini
Anthology of sci-fi and speculative fiction, posing a question to 12 Palestinian writers: what might your country look like in the year 2048.
Text 2
30th April 7p.m.
Begin The World Over

Begin the World Over - by Kung Li
A counterfactual novel about the Founders’ greatest fear - what would have happened if the Haitian revolution had spread throughout the United States.
Text 3
28th May 7p.m.
The Dispossessed

The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia - by Ursula K. Le Guin.
A book which helps answer the question of what happens 'after' the revolution happens? What would our desired utopias actually look like? How can we present them in their wholeness rather than just perfection?
Membership Box

Membership Box
GOLD (sold out)

Each member will receive a membership box worth over £200, with the core texts, books, snacks and some of our favourite ethical wellbeing and beauty products.
GOLD members will additionally receive:

What's in there?
plus shipping:
UK: +£10
EU: +£20
US & Int'l: +£40
SILVER (sold out)

Each member will receive a membership box worth over £200, with the core texts, books, snacks and some of our favourite ethical wellbeing and beauty products.
SILVER members will additionally receive:

What's in there?
plus shipping:
UK: +£10
EU: +£20
US & Int'l: +£40
REGULAR(sold out)

Each member will receive a membership box worth over £200, with the core texts, books, snacks and some of our favourite ethical wellbeing and beauty products.
What's in there?
plus shipping:
UK: +£10
EU: +£20
US & Int'l: +£40
Sessions only
plus shipping:
UK: +£10
EU: +£20
US & Int'l: +£40
plus shipping:
UK: +£10
EU: +£20
US & Int'l: +£40
Sessions only
plus shipping:
UK +£10
EU +£20
US & Int'l +£40
Book Club Reviews
The shado book club was an intellectually stimulating experience which encouraged me to read material and consider ideas which I knew little about-this was really helpful and I’m so glad I did it I can’t wait to be involved in the future!
I’m so glad that I joined shado’s bookshelf! I wanted to learn more about the theme of Caste and Identity, as it’s something I knew very little about. Through the book extracts and monthly discussions with other members from around the world, I now have a much better understanding of the topic. I’m so looking forward to more sessions that explore equally fascinating and important themes, and meeting like-minded people.
shado provided a safe and inclusive space to read and learn about India's caste system, the issues it creates for the people forces to live by its confines, and the ways activists, journalists and scholars are fighting to dismantle and subvert this system. The bookclub also challenged many of the racist and sexist rhetoric around caste by introducing readers to diverse and inclusive voices and materials during its three-month run. I highly recommend their bookclub to anyone looking for nuanced readings and conversations about pressing issues. I look forward to their explorations on sex work in September in the wake of the many crackdowns on online sex work over the last five years.
Past Book Clubs