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JoinedFebruary 1, 2021
As the daughter of a multigenerational lineage of farmers, and raised in a primarily agricultural P’urhepecha descendant community in Michoacan, Mexico, I experienced a close relationship with my food and where my food came from from a young age. Migrating back to the so-called United States was a drastic emotional,...
At least three times a week, I record a 59 second video during my lunch break. I spend my evening editing and posting it to Feel the News with Marcela, my TikTok show. It’s a news show with a sense of humour and anarchism, delivered in under a minute. The...
When the body positivity movement emerged on the scene in 2012, the language surrounding bodies – particularly those belonging to fat, Black women – changed drastically. Gone were the size 0 waistlines and airbrushed complexions teetering down runways and dominating magazine covers; in came what finally felt like reality being...