The asylum system is becoming even more difficult for the most vulnerable

By Kushinga

As an advocate for refugees and someone who has been through the asylum system myself, I’ve watched in horror as the UK government’s Nationality and Borders Bill – otherwise known as the ‘anti-refugee’ bill – recently became an act of law.

I came to the UK in 1999, aged 14. Later, after making an application for asylum which was rejected, I was eventually granted Discretionary Leave. After nearly 20 years, I finally became a British citizen last year, but the trauma caused by this process will stay with me for a lifetime.

Going through the asylum process nearly destroyed my already fragile mental health. Several times I ended up in A&E after desperate attempts to take my life. I was later diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD.

The asylum process is difficult enough. So, over the last year, alongside my fellow City of Sanctuary UK ambassadors and many others, I’ve worked tirelessly to prevent the abhorrent government plans which would make it even worse.

The asylum system is becoming even more difficult for the most vulnerable

By Kushinga