Nature on screen:  why we need to diversify environmental filmmaking

What we watch plays a massive role in determining our relationship with nature. As the environmental movement has gained traction over the last decade, mainstream film and TV have begun to parrot more progressive sentiments. Yet, they often centre white, corporate and patriarchal narratives that can actually be counter-productive.

This is why we have decided to delve into the wonderful world and works of global womxn and non-binary independent filmmakers who have yet had the opportunity to take the global stage.

Apiyemiyekî? (2020) – Ana Vaz

Ama San (2016) – Cláudia Varejão

Grit (2018) – Sasha Friedlander, Cynthia Wade

ENTROPIA (2019) – Flora Anna Bunda

Daisies (1966) – Vera Chytilová

Nature on screen:  why we need to diversify environmental filmmaking