I no longer dream of the apocalypse

By Samara Almonte

Knowing that a different world was possible, even one based on fantasy, allowed me to dream of a new day, even during moments of distress. It seems like dreaming has been the only reliable survival tool I can count on.

As we see a shift in political, social, economic and ecological structures, so much of the narrative I hear around me is to simply prepare for the end of the world; or in other words, to prepare for destruction and chaos. But whose world is really ending?

Because as far as I know, what we are seeing come to an end is a world controlled by white supremacy, capitalism and patriarchy. So, as a woman of colour who is reconnecting to her Indigenous P’urhepecha roots, the dismantling of these oppressive structures will not be the end of my world.

I no longer dream of the apocalypse

By Samara Almonte