Emotional fluffers, sex parties and ethical porn

By Safiya Bashir

Anyone who’s listened to The Butterfly Effect podcast knows that the birth of PornHub in the 00s forever changed our relationship with the porn industry. Leading to an explosion of free pornography, the site allowed anyone with the internet to access erotica films online. As revolutionary as this was, it came with many issues, including but not limited to: addiction, exploitation and an increase in sex trafficking.

Years later, many of these issues continue to hang over the free content found online and as a response, we have seen a surge in ethical porn films. Production house, sex party curator and educational guide Bedside Productions is one of these platforms creating a safer space – not only for performers, but also for consumers.

I was lucky enough to meet writer and editor of Bedside Productions, Polina Bachlakova, at Roskilde Festival in Denmark last month, where she had just hosted a panel event on sex, boundaries and consent in a festival setting.

Emotional fluffers, sex parties and ethical porn

By Safiya Bashir