B[L]ackground: an exploration of existence and non-existence

Green Grows the Rushes,  O (Catch The Fire) 65cm x 81cm / 2021 - Acrylic and vinyl on canvas

Chauvin's Shadow 150cm x 130cm / 2020 - Acrylic and vinyl on canvas

Pens 91.4cm x 121.9cm / 2021 - Acrylic and vinyl on canvas

Suley Wellings-Longmore is one of those individuals; human rights lawyer by day, artist by night, he unites his passions with a drive for change. Before going to Harvard this September, Suley exhibited his latest show B[L]ackground in East London last week. We caught up to talk about his inspirations, his self-taught practice and his lived experience of growing up in London.

B[L]ackground: an exploration of existence and non-existence